Our Curriculum

Welcome to our curriculum page. Here you will find different documents that will give you an insight into our curriculum.

Thompson Primary is committed to meeting the requirements of the primary National Curriculum whilst incorporating our Vision and Cooperative values as part of a broader curriculum offer.

The curriculum will be taught with the consideration of the needs of all learners including those with SEND. Our curriculum will be exciting and will inspire children to nurture a passion for learning. Our curriculum incorporates regular Forest Schools sessions for all pupils as we believe that Forest School sessions allow children the opportunity to develop social and language skills, confidence as well as independence and resilience which in turn supports the whole curriculum.

The intent of our curriculum, or knowledge to be taught, can be found within the curriculum booklets that we have developed which provide the details relating to the specific knowledge and skills progression within each subject. Children are assessed through regular formative and summative methods which will in turn be used to inform any future curriculum developments.

Curriculum Documents

Curriculum rationale

Curriculum overviews

These are our curriculum overviews for each of the classes. Due to the nature of our mixed aged classes we run a 2 year rolling programme.

Curriculum overviews

Wrens (EYFS)
Robins (Year 1/2) Year A and Year B
Skylarks (Year 3/4) Year A and Year B
Barn Owls (Year 5/6) Year A and Year B