British Values

British Values

At Thompson Primary School we want every pupil to feel nurtured and valued.
We welcome diversity and love to learn from each other.
To encourage pupils to develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in Britain. We promote the fundamental British Values and this forms part of our wider work in school with children in relation to their Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education.

The British Values, as defined by the government, are:

The Rule of Law
Individual Liberty
Mutual Respect
Tolerance of different Faiths and Beliefs

We teach a broad and balanced curriculum that teaches elements of democracy, rules and laws, the monarchy, equality, values and virtues, environmental awareness and understanding of different faiths. Promoting British Values also refers to challenging pupils, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British Values.

These British Values are promoted throughout the curriculum, across the whole school. They are also seen in the school ethos, policies, assemblies, special events and celebrations. The following are a selection of activities that evidence our commitment to British Values.

We teach children about Democracy through:

  • Children being involved in democratic processes e.g voting for School councillors, offering rewards and incentives such as certificates

  • School Council

  • Encouraging children to think about the rights of others through a range of experiences such as assemblies, lessons which draw upon the theme of democracy, e.g. stories in R.E. and historical events and also where there are incidents which cause debate.

We teach children about Rule of Law through:

  • School behaviour policy

  • Establishing class rules together at the start of the year

  • Our school values

  • Reflecting on behaviour and learning during lessons

  • Learning from visitors in school

We teach children about Individual Liberty through:

  • Understanding responsibility in school in terms of behaviour and learning attitudes

  • Pupil roles in school – monitors/ helpers

  • School values

  • Local and national fundraising

  • Community links

  • Assembly – school council/ people who help us

  • Well-being practise

  • Challenging stereotyping and bias

  • Anti-bullying

We teach children about Mutual Respect through:

  • JIGSAW PSHE  and assemblies

  • Positive relationships encouraged and modelled

  • Inclusive ethos

  • RE curriculum

  • Anti-bullying activities

  • School council

  • Sports Events

  • Visitors

  • Active listening

We teach children about Tolerance through:

  • Assemblies – stories from world faiths and cultures

  • Reflection opportunities in assemblies

  • School curriculum

  • Being an inclusive school, welcoming children whatever their faith and background