Our Reception class is taught by Miss Winterbone with support from Mrs Daisley.
Early Years Curriculum Documents
Early Years Curriculum
Early Years
At Thompson Primary School we work with our partner schools across our Cooperative trust. We want our children to all partake in a knowledge engaged approach where knowledge enables and underpins the application of skills. To aid this approach emphasis is placed upon cross-curricular teaching where we create a relevant curriculum which is personal and meaningful to all of our children. Through observations and activities of both child initiated and adult led tasks we monitor each child’s engagement. Careful and purposeful adaptations are then made to resources to encourage further engagement. Cognition is the thinking skills and thought process acquired through prior experiences and our curriculum supports engagement as a prerequisite to cognition and learning. With careful mapping we can ensure knowledge is progressive from pre-school experiences and throughout EYFS. The knowledge acquired in EYFS is then used as the strong foundations to build upon in KS1, KS2 and beyond. We provide our children with the confidence to apply their learning across all areas of their development and encourage the thinking for life long learners.
Areas of Learning
We work within the structure of the Early Years Framework and plan and teach within the seven areas of learning.
Prime areas of learning:
– Communication and Language (Listening, attention and understanding; and Speaking)
– Personal, Social and Emotional Development (Self-regulation, Managing Self and Building Relationships)
– Physical Development (Gross motor skills and fine motor skills)
Specific areas of learning:
– Literacy (Comprehension, Word reading and Writing)
– Maths (Number and Numerical patterns)
– Understanding of the World (Past and present; People, culture and communities; and The natural world)
– Expressive Arts and Design (Creating with materials and Being imaginative and expressive)
Our Learning Environment
We believe firmly that along with positive staff interactions a learning environment ensures purposeful learning where children can be independent in both thought and action. By providing an engaging environment children can develop, strengthen and further their knowledge and understanding.
Our learning environments provide continuous learning opportunities, which are adapted to promote the learning within the room and children’s interests. The following areas are examples of continuous learning available but we do not limit the experiences to these:
– a writing area containing various writing implements and papers as well as envelopes and examples of good writing
– a book corner containing a range of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and class-made books
– a maths resource area which allows children to select appropriate items to help them solve practical problems
– a creative area containing resources for a range of art, design, music and technology activities
– a construction area containing resources for developing fine motor skills, social interaction and problem solving
– a small world area which allows children to extend fine motor skills, engage in imaginative play and develop language
– an area for sand, malleable materials (e.g. play dough) and water play, where children can engage in practical investigations
– a role play area which can be developed along themed line to cover several aspects of learning in “real life” scenarios
– a physical development area for developing fine motor skills
– various areas to promote gross physical development using balance and coordination, specific skill and also speed and change of direction.
Continuous provision is available to children the majority of the year with enhanced provision adapting and changing across the weeks.
Continuous Provision
Enhanced continuous provision is provided to encourage consolidation of learning after a lesson, in response to children’s expressed interests or to encourage thinking around a new theme. Enhanced continuous provision runs for around a week or for the time the children are accessing and using the resources purposefully. Adults actively support children in following and exploring interests to allow for a greater depth of learning, understanding and involvement.
There is no planned time frame for each experience that will vary on each child and the journey their learning takes. Staff enhance areas of exploration by providing additional resources, demonstrating how to use existing resources and through discussion and questioning. With careful observations staff use knowledge and experience to know when to interact and when to allow pupils to explore independently.
Assessment Informing Planning
Throughout all learning opportunities both adult led and child initiated staff are consistently assessing the children. To ensure we have a holistic representation of each individual child. We gather this evidence in various ways:
– observations of the children,
– photographs of actions and activities,
– the work that they do,
– feedback from parents and careers
– comments made by the children,
– discussions with peers -independent and directed,
– discussion with adults – independent and directed,
– questioning and discussions,
We use this evidence to inform our weekly planning.
The EYFS Framework and Development Matters documents are used to inform the curriculum, the enhancements in the provision and next steps for pupils. We share this with parents and base the next steps for the children on this.