
At Co-operative Education East (CEE) we have made the exciting move to follow the Monster Phonics DfE approved phonics scheme. Monster Phonics is a rigorous, systematic synthetic programme which will help us to develop fluency, vocabulary and comprehension skills. By combining the technical skills needed to read, alongside an enjoyment of reading, we want children to possess a love for reading.

We know that children learn best when parents/carers and teachers follow the same methods. Working in the same way is vital for reinforcing learning. For this reason, we share information with our parents about the structure of our phonics lessons, the content taught and ways parents and carers can support their children at home.

Lesson Structure

Lesson Structure
Progression maps
Programme Content and Education Philosophy

Year 1 Phonics Screening

As you are aware, all children within Year 1 will take part in a statutory Year 1 Phonics Screening check. This takes place in June.

What happens in the Phonics Screening Check?

The test is designed to assess your child’s reading skills via 40 words split into two sections. Each section consists of 10 real words and 10 pseudo-words (non-sense or ‘alien words’). These pseudo words are included because your child will need to be able to use their phonic knowledge and decoding skills to be able to read any word they come across as they progress within the school. This enables children to learn new words themselves by gaining an understanding through the context in which it has been placed.

Do we get to know the results?

We have to report the results to the local authority by the end of the summer (year 1) term. We will also let you know the results before the end of the summer term.

If your child does not meet the expected standard in the check, they will get the opportunity to resit this in year 2.  It is not normally anything to worry about.

How can I support my child?

Please continue to read at home daily including practising to read ‘alien words’.

Watching our Monster Phonics webinar which explains what phonics is and how it is taught.

If you have any questions or queries please speak to your child’s class teacher.

Phonics Screening Quick Guide for Parents

Phonics Screening Quick Guide for Parents
Example Phonics Screening Check

Parent Webinars

Monster Phonics have created a parent webinar highlighting how engaging and multi-sensory Monster Phonics can be. You can access from your parent log in. Alternatively, you can view a prerecorded session, please follow the link.