Our aim, at the Cooperative Education East Trust, is for Music to be embedded in many aspects of school life and our aspiration is that every child adopts a lifelong love of music. Through playing, singing, creating and performing, children will develop confidence, communication skills, thinking and creative skills and improve their emotional well-being. Children will find that music is enjoyable and relaxing. Children will build on skills such as ‘determination, resilience, hard-work and bravery’ when performing to an audience.
Music lessons are lively and interactive, based on the scheme put together by Kapow. The units of work have been chosen to complement the children’s learning, where possible, so links can be made across the curriculum. The children participate in singing, tuned and untuned percussion work, composition, and listening to live and recorded music. All children are taught the skills to be able to compose using musical
instruments. When the children are in Year 3 and 4, musical notation is taught through the learning and playing of the glockenspiel/and or the recorder and children across school are taught correct musical terminology e.g. rhythm, melody, pitch, dynamics. Singing is a highly important part of our music curriculum. Weekly singing assemblies take place to teach children how to sing with a sense of pitch and melody. They are taught how to warm up their voices, sing in rounds and harmony, and build up a repertoire of songs.